The Arsenic Eaters ***signiert

Brugner, Simon


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In ‘The Arse­nic Eaters’, Simon Brug­ner inves­ti­ga­tes the widespread his­to­ri­cal belief that the con­sump­ti­on of arse­nic, one of the most potent mine­ral poi­sons, is bene­fi­cial to one’s health. Many “poi­son eaters” were found among the pre-20th cen­tu­ry rural popu­la­ti­on in the eas­tern parts of the Alps (espe­cial­ly in Sty­ria, Aus­tria). Still acces­si­ble arse­nic mines in that regi­on date back as far as the 14th cen­tu­ry. Arse­nic eaters were robust peop­le, usual­ly from the lower clas­ses of socie­ty. They inge­sted arse­nic to be strong and healt­hy, to look rosy and to boost their sexu­al poten­cy. Living off the moun­tains sub­jec­ted them to phy­si­cal hardship. Eating arse­nic made them more resilient.

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