
Gruyaert, Harry

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The edges that Har­ry Gru­ya­ert, a pre-emi­nent mem­ber of the Magnum pho­to agen­cy, explo­res in this incredi­b­ly lush, full-colour book, are the oce­ans, seas and rivers whe­re humans meet the edge and the water begins. This unusu­al volu­me, which opens from the top up, takes the rea­der to Israel’s Dead Sea, the Mali River in Niger, the North Sea of Ice­land, South Korea and Biar­ritz, as Gruyaert’s sen­si­ti­ve pho­tos record the sub­t­le chro­ma­tic vibra­ti­ons of the edges of the Ori­ent and the Occi­dent. Gru­ya­ert oppo­ses the hust­le of the city with a pared-down, yet inten­se, natu­re. His land­s­capes are never empty; they are inha­bi­ted pla­ces whe­re light, colour, objects, peop­le and situa­tions wea­ve a sere­ne, sub­li­me tableau.

This beau­ti­ful­ly pro­du­ced pho­to­gra­phic mani­festo reve­als the pro­found­ly poe­tic cha­rac­ter of Gruyaert’s work, and the sen­su­al ele­gan­ce of his fault­less compositions.












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