You’re Invited!

Invitation Design for Every Occasion


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Invi­ta­ti­ons pro­vi­de the per­fect per­so­nal touch for ever­ything from pri­va­te events to ope­ning nights. You’­re Invi­ted! is the defi­ni­ti­ve gui­de to this ver­sa­ti­le and char­ming medi­um. Whe­ther for a wed­ding, a bir­th­day, or a fashion show, invi­ta­ti­ons car­ry a touch of the per­so­nal. Care­ful­ly craf­ted, they span the spec­trum, from the whim­si­cal to the elegant.

Brands are allo­wed a free­dom of expres­si­on through the inti­ma­te natu­re of an invi­ta­ti­on. Cli­ents enjoy recei­ving tokens from cor­po­ra­te affairs or gar­den par­ties. The com­ple­xi­ty of this modest for­mat is shown along­side the delight taken in its details. You’­re Invi­ted! show­ca­ses a myri­ad of paper choices, hand-let­te­ring tech­ni­ques, and behind the sce­nes profiles.

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9783899559200 Kategorien: ,
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