Who’s Afraid of Blue, Red and Green?

Selichar, Günther


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Gün­ther Selichar’s pre­fer­red the­ma­tic field of work, and his oeu­vre has revol­ved around it sin­ce the ear­ly 1980s, is the media and mass media.

This publi­ca­ti­on not only docu­ments in its ent­i­re­ty what is pro­bab­ly his most exten­si­ve body of work Who’s Afraid of Blue, Red and Green? (1990–2017), which com­pri­ses 30 pro­jects working with pho­to­gra­phy, pain­ting, print and most nota­b­ly public (media) space, but also inclu­des refe­ren­ces to all important work seri­es made during this time and con­nec­ted to it in terms of con­tent, as well as the coope­ra­ti­ons with his wife, Lore­da­na Flo­re-Selichar. The book fur­ther brings tog­e­ther texts writ­ten by long­stan­ding com­pa­n­ions, both theo­rists and cura­tors, as well as inter­pre­ta­ti­ons by a youn­ger genera­ti­on of wri­ters from the US, Ger­ma­ny, Switz­er­land and Aus­tria, who approach this mul­ti-laye­red and much dis­cus­sed oeu­vre in an extre­me­ly inte­res­ting way, and a text by Gün­ther Selichar hims­elf, in which he reve­als pro­gram­ma­tic reflec­tions on the thin­king behind his work.

The book was meti­cu­lous­ly and ela­bo­r­ate­ly desi­gned with three dif­fe­rent covers by Leip­zig based gra­phic design agen­cy Lamm&Kirch.








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