
Arbugaeva, Evgenia


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Once upon a time in Sibe­ria, on the shores of the Arc­tic Oce­an, in a warm bed in a small town, a litt­le girl woke up from a dream…

So begins the brief nar­ra­ti­ve accom­pany­ing this magni­ficent seri­es of pho­to­graphs by Evge­nia Arbu­g­a­e­va. Alt­hough edu­ca­ted in New York and working as a free­lan­ce pho­to­gra­pher sin­ce 2009, she was born in the town of Tik­si, loca­ted in the Rus­si­an Arctic.

In her per­so­nal work, Arbu­g­a­e­va often inves­ti­ga­tes her home­land, dis­co­vering and cap­tu­ring this remo­te nort­hern world and the peop­le who inha­bit it. The icy white expan­ses and bright colours of the town’s buil­dings and the litt­le girl’s clot­hing are shar­ply and beau­ti­ful­ly rendered.

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9791092727135 Kategorie: Schlüsselworte: , ,
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