The Palestinians

Photographs of a Land and its People from 1839 to the Present Day

Sanbar, Elias


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A cross­roads of reli­gi­ons, poli­tics, and cul­tures with deep sym­bo­lic and his­to­ri­cal signi­fi­can­ce, the holy land of Pales­ti­ne has a reso­nance far grea­ter than its size. Nota­b­ly, the cen­tu­ries-old con­flict the­re has cata­pul­ted this tiny area to the cen­ter of the world stage.

For rea­sons such as the­se, Pales­ti­ne has long been a source of fasci­na­ti­on for pho­to­graph­ers, and it is one of the most fre­quent­ly pho­to­gra­phed pla­ces in the world. This engros­sing publi­ca­ti­on exami­nes images of Pales­ti­ne taken over the cour­se of near­ly 200 years, showing the various pha­ses of its pic­to­ri­al history.

Eli­as San­bar pro­vi­des com­men­ta­ries on this impres­si­ve and visual­ly stun­ning opus, showing how a high­ly sym­bo­lic place and its peop­le have been both cap­tu­red and abs­trac­ted by the came­ra. Grip­ping and poi­gnant, the pho­to­graphs in this publi­ca­ti­on assert not only the glo­bal impor­t­ance of Pales­ti­ne, but the beau­ty that emer­ges amid its com­pli­ca­ted history.














Photographs of a Land and its People from 1839 to the Present Day

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