Still Lifes, U.S.A.

VanderLans, Rudy


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Upon his arri­val in the United Sta­tes some 36 years ago, Rudy Van­derLans (co-foun­der of Emigre) embar­ked on a pan-Ame­ri­can trip in a Grey­hound bus from New York to Cali­for­nia. Over­whel­med by the expe­ri­ence, he rare­ly took out his came­ra, fee­ling unpre­pa­red for the chal­len­ge to cap­tu­re and do jus­ti­ce to the visu­al over­load of the Ame­ri­can environment.

In 2016 he setout to retrace his rou­te, this time with came­ra in hand and a deter­mi­na­ti­on to record the expe­ri­ence. If the work seems fami­li­ar at times, Van­derLans is quick to name his influ­en­ces. Its through the pho­to­graphs of Ruscha,Shore, Fried­lan­der, Eggles­ton, and others, that I lear­ned to look at Ame­ri­ca more dis­cer­nin­gly, says Van­derLans. I use their examp­les as a jum­ping off point to distill my own impressions.

The haun­ting pho­to­graphs that resul­ted from Van­derLans jour­ney form the second body of work in a tri­lo­gy of books that began with Still Lifes, Cali­for­nia. Van­derLans publis­hes his pho­to­graphs exclu­si­ve­ly in book form, and the­se post­cards from the road evo­ke both tran­qui­li­ty and soli­tu­de, entro­py and lone­li­ness in equal measures.

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