Still Lifes, Tokyo

VanderLans, Rudy


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Com­pri­sing more than two hund­red pho­tos taken over the cour­se of three weeks, the third book in the Still Lifes seri­es lea­ves the United Sta­tes for the busy streets of Tokyo, resul­ting in a volu­me that is both of a pie­ce with and dra­ma­ti­cal­ly dif­fe­rent from Still Lifes: Cali­for­nia and Still Lifes: USA. The rough­ly trans­la­ted adver­ti­sing blurb for the Tokyo hotel whe­re Rudy Van­derLans boo­ked his stay pro­mi­sed “a world of still­ness and moti­on,” and Van­derLans used this as his crea­ti­ve prompt.
Over the cour­se of his stay, Van­derLans wal­ked over a hund­red miles, came­ra in hand, cap­tu­ring an exten­si­ve docu­ment of Tokyo’s lived-in details. Just as much care has been taken in the arran­ge­ment of the pho­tos, with adja­cent images often mir­ro­ring one ano­t­her des­pi­te their wild­ly dif­fe­rent sub­jects. Con­spi­cuous­ly devoid of human figu­res for such a popu­lous city, the­se pho­tos cap­tu­re a Tokyo bene­ath the sur­face of the crowd, pre­sen­ting a ver­si­on of the city rare­ly seen in media of any kind.









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