Sheila Hicks

Weaving as Metaphor


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End­lich wie­der lie­fer­bar — in der nun­mehr 5. Auf­la­ge! Von Irma Boom wur­de das Buch gestaltet.

This intri­guing book exami­nes the small woven and wrought works artist Shei­la Hicks has pro­du­ced for the past fif­ty years. With their dis­tinc­ti­ve colors, thought­ful com­po­si­ti­ons, and nar­ra­ti­ve, the­se minia­tu­re crea­ti­ons reve­al the emer­gence and con­ti­nui­ty of the artist’s approach to her work. Inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed for her mas­te­ry of a tex­ti­le voca­bu­la­ry of extre­me­ly dif­fe­rent sca­les — sculp­tu­re, tapes­try, site spe­ci­fic com­mis­si­ons for public spaces, envi­ron­ments of recup­era­ted clot­hing and uni­forms, and more — Hicks has thought­ful­ly craf­ted minia­tures throughout her noma­dic care­er. The palm-sized works pre­sent a record of her remar­kab­le and per­so­nal jour­neys. Focu­sing on some one hund­red minia­tures from public and pri­va­te collec­tions, the book demons­tra­tes the bre­adth of Hicks’s con­cerns: her per­sis­tent inqui­ry into the mys­te­ries of color, her play­ful yet rever­en­ti­al sub­ver­si­ons of wea­ving tra­di­ti­ons, her sur­pri­sing ran­ge of mate­ri­als, and her explo­ra­ti­on of new technology.

From initi­al expe­ri­ments based on pre-Colum­bi­an wea­ving struc­tures to a 2005 sculp­tu­ral pro­ject using nine­ty colors of syn­the­tic fila­ments, the­se small works offer a uni­que oppor­tu­ni­ty to access and exami­ne the artist’s con­cep­tu­al and tech­ni­cal forays.

The volu­me inclu­des infor­ma­ti­ve essays by Arthur C. Dan­to, Joan Simon, and Nina Stritz­ler-Levi­ne as well as illus­tra­ti­ons of the artist’s working tools, rela­ted drawings, pho­to­graphs, and chro­no­lo­gy. Buch­ge­stal­tung von Irma Boom.








Weaving as Metaphor

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