Seascapes — New edition

Sugimoto, Hiroshi


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The clas­sic is back !

For more than 30 years, Hiro­shi Sugi­mo­to has tra­v­eled the world pho­to­gra­phing its seas, pro­du­cing an exten­ded medi­ta­ti­on on the pas­sa­ge of time and the natu­ral histo­ry of the earth redu­ced to its most basic, pri­mor­di­al sub­s­tan­ces: water and air. Always cap­tu­ring the sea at a moment of abso­lu­te tran­qui­li­ty, Sugi­mo­to has com­po­sed all the pho­to­graphs iden­ti­cal­ly, with the hori­zon line pre­cise­ly bifur­ca­ting each image. The repe­ti­ti­on of this strict for­mat reve­als the uni­queness of each mee­ting of sea and sky, with the hori­zon never appearing exact­ly the same way twice. The pho­to­graphs are roman­tic yet abso­lute­ly rigo­rous, appar­ent­ly uni­ver­sal but excee­din­gly specific.

In 2015 Damia­ni publis­hed the first edi­ti­on of  Seas­capes, the com­ple­te seri­es of more than 200 Seas­capes for the first time in one publi­ca­ti­on. The new edi­ti­on of this book con­tains five new, pre­vious­ly unpu­blis­hed pho­to­graphs taken by Sugimoto.













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