Ross Chisholm


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This mono­graph on Bri­tish artist Ross Chis­holm pres­ents a sur­vey of his work. Chisholm’s pro­ject is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by his ongo­ing use of repe­ti­ti­on and motif to explo­re the tem­po­ra­li­ty of the pain­ted sur­face. Using pain­ting, drawing, and alte­red found pho­to­graphs, Chis­holm takes as his star­ting point image­ry mined from cen­tu­ries of Bri­tish visu­al cul­tu­re; his source mate­ri­als ran­ge from 18th-cen­tu­ry socie­ty por­trai­tu­re by All­an Ram­say and Joshua Rey­nolds to pho­to­graphs of 20th-cen­tu­ry fami­lies on vaca­ti­on, which he collects at flea mar­kets. The artist pain­sta­kin­gly recrea­tes the­se ori­gi­nal images using the rich tech­ni­ques of old mas­ter pain­ting, and then dis­rupts our his­to­ri­cal and nar­ra­ti­ve asso­cia­ti­ons with his sub­jects through various for­mal means. By con­fla­ting dis­pa­ra­te his­to­ri­cal moments and modes of por­trai­tu­re, the artist draws atten­ti­on to the shif­ting con­ven­ti­ons of, but sus­tai­ned urge for, self-representation.

Born in 1977 in the United King­dom, Chis­holm cur­r­ent­ly lives and works in Lon­don. He stu­di­ed pain­ting at Brighton Uni­ver­si­ty befo­re atten­ding Golds­mit­hs College.

Tex­te: John Rear­don, Jona­than Griffin
Zustand: sehr leich­te Abrieb­spu­ren am Cover

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9783037642610 Kategorien: , Schlüsselworte: , , ,
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