Rist, Pipilotti

Contemporary Artists Series


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Swiss-born artist Pipi­lot­ti Rist (*1962) crea­tes colour­ful mul­ti-screen video works which, often with the pace and seduc­tion of a pop pro­mo, signal the birth of a new inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry art form.

With such ligh­the­ar­ted art­works as Ever Is Over All, showing a princess-like young girl bli­the­ly sma­shing car win­dows, Rist invents new pos­si­bi­li­ties for poe­try, femi­ni­ne iden­ti­ty and the tra­di­tio­nal gen­re of portraiture.

The high­ly accom­plis­hed tech­no­lo­gi­cal skill reflec­ted in her work sin­ce the late 1980s, incor­po­ra­ting in unpre­ce­den­ted ways the art­forms of film, music, sculp­tu­re and per­for­mance, have estab­lis­hed Rist among the world’s best-known con­tem­pora­ry video artists.

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9780714839653 Kategorien: , Schlüsselworte: , ,
  • ECAL Graphic Design
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