Purple Fashion #31 / Paris Issue

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Pur­p­le Fashion is the avant-gar­de refe­rence for fashion and style on the bian­nu­al fashion maga­zi­ne mar­ket, with the usu­al big names. The Paris issue fea­tures texts on the city by aut­hors like Éric Tron­cy, Bob Nick­as, and Aria­na Rei­nes, pho­to­gra­phy by Nobuyo­shi Ara­ki, Dario Catel­lani, Oli­vi­er Zahm, Mar­tin Parr, and others, and arti­cles, inter­views, and fashion shoots.
Pur­p­le Fashion is the avant-gar­de refe­rence for fashion and style on the bian­nu­al fashion maga­zi­ne mar­ket, with the usu­al big names. With inter­views with Gabri­el Orozco, Law­rence Wei­ner, David Bai­ley, Jona­than Ander­son, Rick Owens and Chloë Sevi­gny. The book­let is by Geor­ge Con­do this time.







Artikelnummer: liawolf-MAGPURPLE31 Kategorie: Schlüsselworte: , , , ,
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