Paul’s Book

Schorr, Collier

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Col­lier Schorr
met Paul Hame­li­ne, a young French artist and model, in New York in 2015. A friend of friend, he came to her home for a ‘go-see’, which is when a pho­to­gra­pher gets to see how a model loo­ks in front of the came­ra. Paul’s fami­ly lives in the Marais sec­tion of Paris around the cor­ner from the hotel Col­lier stays at while in Paris, so they began to meet and to make a pro­ject that las­ted two years in which Col­lier would visit Paul at his par­ents’ house and take pic­tures and talk. The idea was for Paul and Col­lier to expe­ri­ence pho­to­gra­phy as a social space, a con­ver­sa­ti­on in which his body and her eyes could try and under­stand each other’s fasci­na­ti­ons and fan­ta­sies. Many of the pic­tures were publis­hed in Re Edi­ti­on maga­zi­ne. Paul’s Book expands that maga­zi­ne sto­ry to form a lar­ger pie­ce about the way in which a pho­to­gra­pher and model can search for some grea­ter reve­la­ti­ons with the simp­lest move­ments and various sta­tes of undress.

Youth may be flee­ting, but this book is not” – New York Times, Big Fashion Books of Fall

The images are start­lin­g­ly inti­ma­te, with Hame­li­ne floa­ting effort­less­ly insi­de his bedroom, unen­cum­be­red by any expec­ta­ti­on of what the final image may be.” – Inter­view Magazine

When it came to doing their first shoot tog­e­ther in 2015, Ame­ri­can pho­to­gra­pher Col­lier Schorr and French model Paul Hame­li­ne alrea­dy felt like friends, lar­ge­ly thanks to Insta­gram. Now, at the ages of 55 and 23 respec­tively, their friendship pro­ves how incon­se­quen­ti­al age real­ly is.” – Vogue

A fasci­na­ting sym­bio­tic feat” SLEEK Magazine

The­re is a com­mon assump­ti­on about youth which is: Youth is about youth. But that isn’t real­ly true. Youth is real­ly about the past. Youth is not the pool that young men gaze ado­rin­gly into; it is the pool that old men gaze in, in order to mea­su­re the distance their bodies have tra­v­eled’. — Col­lier Schorr














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