Museum of the Revolution

Tillim, Guy


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40 Afri­can capi­tals, inclu­ding Johan­nes­burg, Dur­ban, Mapu­to, Bei­ra, Hara­re, Nai­ro­bi, Kiga­li, Kam­pa­la, Addis Aba­ba, Luan­da, Libre­vil­le, Accra, Dakar and Dar es Salaam, and the seri­es takes its tit­le from the Muse­um of the Revo­lu­ti­on in Mapu­to, Mozam­bi­que, which is situa­ted on the Ave­ni­da 24 Jul­ho. The 24th of July 1875 mar­ked the end of an Anglo-Por­tu­gue­se con­flict for pos­ses­si­on of the ter­ri­to­ry that was deci­ded in favour of Por­tu­gal. One hund­red years later the name of the ave­nue remai­ned the same becau­se Mozambique’s inde­pen­dence from Por­tu­gal was pro­c­lai­med in June 1975 and now the 24th of July is Natio­na­li­sa­ti­on Day.

In the Muse­um of the Revo­lu­ti­on, the­re is a pan­or­amic pain­ting pro­du­ced by North Kore­an artists depic­ting the libe­ra­ti­on of the capi­tal from Por­tu­gue­se colo­ni­al rule. It illus­tra­tes the rhe­to­ric of a revo­lu­ti­on as the lea­der and fol­lo­wers para­de through the streets and ave­nues, laid out with gran­deur by the colo­ni­al powers. The­se streets, named and ren­a­med, func­tion as silent wit­nes­ses to the ebb and flow of poli­ti­cal, eco­no­mic and social shifts of power and beco­me a muse­um of the many revo­lu­ti­ons that have taken place in Afri­can coun­tries over the past 65 years.

In Tillim’s pho­to­graphs, the streets of the­se Afri­can capi­tals reflect a new rea­li­ty, dis­tinct from the eco­no­mic sta­gna­ti­on wrought by socia­list poli­ci­es that usual­ly accom­pa­nied Afri­can natio­na­lism, the rea­li­ty of rebuil­ding and enter­pri­se, and new sets of aspi­ra­ti­ons imbued with capi­ta­listic values.

Co-publis­hed with Fon­da­ti­on Hen­ri Car­tier-Bres­son, Paris
Texts by Guy Til­lim
Fore­word extrac­ted of Achil­le Mbembe’s Out of the dark night











65 photographs



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