Jean-Michel Basquiat

Catalogue of the exhibition "Jean-Michel Basquiat" at Fondation Louis Vuitton from 3 October 2018 to 14 January 2019


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Fea­tures a ran­ge of art­works by Bas­qui­at, publis­hed to accom­pa­ny a major dou­ble exhi­bi­ti­on on Jean-Michel Bas­qui­at and Egon Schie­le at the Foun­da­ti­on Lou­is Vuit­ton, Paris, from 2nd Octo­ber 2018 to 4th Janu­a­ry 2019.
— Accom­pa­nies a major dou­ble exhi­bi­ti­on on Jean-Michel Bas­qui­at and Egon Schie­le — two artists that died too young but crea­ted mas­ses of work over the cour­se of a deca­de, at the Fon­da­ti­on Lou­is Vuit­ton, Paris, from 2nd Octo­ber 2018 to 4th Janu­a­ry 2019- Com­pri­ses drawings, gou­aches and pain­tings sourced from pri­va­te collec­tions and muse­ums all over the worl­dIn 2018 the Fon­da­ti­on Lou­is Vuit­ton, Paris, will host exhi­bi­tons on two of the grea­test artists of the 20th cen­tu­ry — Egon Schie­le, and Jean-Michel Bas­qui­at. Both exhi­bi­ti­ons will have the same cura­tor, and will be held at the same time. The shows will illus­tra­te exact­ly what it is that lin­ked the two artists: line, and the use of expres­si­ve force.This, the cata­lo­gue of the Bas­qui­at exhi­bi­ti­on, label­led “the defi­ni­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­on” by its cura­tor, brings tog­e­ther 100 of the artist’s most important mas­ter­pie­ces, sourced from inte­ra­tio­nal muse­ums and pri­va­te collec­tions. With the asto­nis­hing radi­cal­ness of his artis­tic prac­ti­ce, Bas­qui­at rene­wed the con­cept of art with endu­ring impact. This Bas­qui­at retro­spec­ti­ve cen­tres on the idea of Basquiat’s uni­que ener­ge­tic line, his use of words, sym­bols, and how he inte­gra­tes col­la­ge in his pain­tings, sculp­tures, objects, and lar­ge-sca­le drawings.The cata­lo­gue inclu­des texts by gre­at aut­hors, inclu­ding Paul Schim­mel who tells of his mee­ting with Bas­qui­at in Cali­for­nia; Fran­ces­co Pel­li­zi who knew Bas­qui­at well and has not writ­ten about him for a long time; and Okwui Enwezor who talks about the Afro Ame­ri­can identity.










Catalogue of the exhibition "Jean-Michel Basquiat" at Fondation Louis Vuitton from 3 October 2018 to 14 January 2019

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