Everything, Always, Everywhere

Rozendaal, Rafael


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Ever­ything, Always Ever­y­whe­re’ is a book made in clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the artist Rafaël Rozend­aal. Rozendaal’s body of work is much broa­der than his well-known web­sites, and spans across dif­fe­rent media; from the digi­tal to phy­si­cal and the tex­tu­al. All the­se mani­fes­ta­ti­ons have one thing in com­mon: they stem from a fasci­na­ti­on with moving images and inter­ac­ti­vi­ty in its most basic form. The digi­tal is the star­ting point for all Rozendaal’s work, even his phy­si­cal work stems from a digi­tal way of thin­king. This book reflects on the chan­ge that his work has under­go­ne in recent years; loo­king at both his own evo­lu­ti­on as an artist, and the tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gress that has influ­en­ced digi­tal art in general.
— First major mono­graph on this pionee­ring net artist
— How can the artist play with the ever-gro­wing ran­ge of digi­tal possibilities?
— Best Dut­ch Book Designs 2017 Award, also selec­ted by the Student’s Jury!
Aut­hors: Mar­vin Jor­dan, Koda­ma Kana­za­wa, Chris­tia­ne Paul, Mar­griet Schavemaker
Gra­phic design: Stu­dio Rem­co van Bladel

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9789492095305 Kategorien: ,
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