Caroline Saulnier

by Rankin

Rankin (Waddell, John Rankin)


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Pho­to­gra­pher Ran­kin and make­up artist Caro­li­ne Saul­nier, two of the most respec­ted prac­ti­tio­ners of their respec­ti­ve pro­fes­si­ons, have come tog­e­ther to crea­te a beau­ty book of unpre­ce­den­ted arti­stry. As part of Rankin’s uni­que seri­es of three beau­ty books, also inclu­ding Alex Box and Aya­mi Nis­hi­mu­ra, this spe­cial col­la­bo­ra­ti­on show­ca­ses the talent and strong aes­the­tic styles of both artists in a seri­es of sen­su­al, visual­ly com­pel­ling images.
In the last 25 years, Caro­li­ne Saul­nier has deve­lo­ped from tech­ni­cal excel­lence to con­cep­tu­al visio­na­ry, working as suc­cess­ful­ly on edi­to­ri­al as on com­mer­cial cam­pai­gns. Saulnier’s style is clas­si­cal and avant-gar­de, in equal mea­su­re; she expe­ri­ments with unusu­al tex­tu­re and bold pig­ment to crea­te ama­zing works of art. Her work draws on the uni­que fea­tures and imper­fec­tions of her models as inspi­ra­ti­on. It also explo­res the darkness and light in her own per­so­na­li­ty, a the­ra­peu­tic explo­ra­ti­on of self that never fails to pro­du­ce fasci­na­ting results. Saulnier’s asto­nis­hing work is cap­tu­red by Rankin.
The two have a long-stan­ding working rela­ti­ons­hip, and Rankin’s indi­vi­du­al style is instant­ly reco­gnis­able in the por­traits. Ran­kin and Caro­li­ne have joi­ned for­ces to explo­re the strength and sen­sua­li­ty that fasci­na­tes them, each uti­li­zing their talents to give depth to the work of the other. The result of their col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and con­nec­tion is a book that is not only an examp­le of fashion pho­to­gra­phy and make­up arti­stry at their finest, but also a stun­ning work of art.










by Rankin

Artikelnummer: liawolf-9780956779434 Kategorien: , Schlüsselworte: , , ,

Zwischensumme:  697,10

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