Artistclub ***Englische Ausgabe

Katalog zur Ausstellung im 21er Haus Wien

West, Franz


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Through co-aut­hor­s­hip and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on as well as through the re-laun­ching of works from various crea­ti­ve pha­ses and invol­ve­ment by other artists, West intro­du­ced a sub­ver­si­ve and often humo­rous form of play with the way aut­hor­s­hip is attri­bu­t­ed to art­works. With this in mind, it is important to note ano­t­her signi­fi­cant work by West, named “Extro­ver­si­on”, that was con­cei­ved for the 2011 Bien­na­le di Vene­zia. In this work, West prac­ti­cal­ly tur­ned the walls of his stu­dio kit­chen insi­de out. Made by friends, col­leagues, and co-workers, it invol­ves 43 dif­fe­rent artis­tic works that simi­lar­ly upend them­sel­ves. While retai­ning their auto­no­my, they also come tog­e­ther to form a lar­ger, more com­plex work of art. In addi­ti­on to the typi­cal con­cep­tu­al dis­pla­ce­ment bet­ween work and the aut­hor, “Extro­ver­si­on” also intro­du­ces a new and exci­ting aspect of West’s expe­ri­ence and tre­at­ment of space and archi­tec­tu­re. The work its­elf, the­re­fo­re, forms the star­ting point for an addi­tio­nal focus of the publi­ca­ti­ons, one that con­crete­ly explo­res his approach toward space and architecture.

The publi­ca­ti­on is accom­pany­ing the exhi­bi­ti­on by the same name at the 21er Haus from  14. Dezem­ber 2016 until  23. April 2017 — and shows Franz West tog­e­ther with Jean-Marc Busta­man­te, Pla­men Dejan­off & Svet­la­na Heger, Mari­na Faust, Urs Fischer, Gela­tin, Dou­glas Gor­don, Richard Hoeck, Franz Kap­fer, Mike Kel­ley, Sarah Lucas, Otto Muehl, Michel­an­ge­lo Pis­to­let­to, Rudolf Polan­sz­ky, Andre­as Rei­ter Raa­be, Anselm Reyle, Tami­na Sir­bi­lad­ze, Hans Wei­gand, Erwin Wurm und Hei­mo Zobernig

Tex­te: Véro­ni­que Abpurg, Robert Fleck, Dr. Renée Gads­den, Agnes Hus­s­lein-Arco, Harald Kre­jci, Her­bert Lach­may­er, Andre­as Rei­ter Raabe

Buch­ge­stal­tung: Wil­li Schmid 

Zustand: mint, verschweißt














Katalog zur Ausstellung im 21er Haus Wien



Artikelnummer: liawolf-9783903131897 Kategorie: Schlüsselworte: , , ,
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