a Handful of Dust

Campany, David


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a Hand­ful of Dust is David Campany’s spe­cu­la­ti­ve histo­ry of the last cen­tu­ry, and a visu­al jour­ney through some of its unli­keliest image­ry. Let’s sup­po­se the modern era begins in Octo­ber of 1922. A litt­le French avant-gar­de jour­nal publis­hes a pho­to­graph of a sheet of glass cove­r­ed in dust. The pho­to­gra­pher is Man Ray, the glass is by Mar­cel Duch­amp. At first they cal­led it a view from an aero­pla­ne. Then they cal­led it Dust Bree­ding. It’s abs­tract, it’s rea­list. It’s an art­work, it’s a docu­ment. It’s revol­ting and com­pel­ling. Came­ras must be kept away from dust but they find it high­ly pho­to­ge­nic. At the same time, a litt­le Eng­lish jour­nal publis­hes TS Eliot’s poem The Was­te Land. “I will show you fear in a hand­ful of dust.”

And what if dust is real­ly the key to the inter­vening years? Why do we dis­li­ke it? Is it cos­mic? We are star­dust, after all. Is it domestic? Ine­vi­ta­ble and unru­ly, dust is the enemy of the modern order, its repres­sed other, its neme­sis. But it has a sto­ry to tell from the other side.

Campany’s con­nec­tions ran­ge far and wide, from aeri­al recon­naisance and the Ame­ri­can dust­bowl to Mussolini’s final car jour­ney and the wars in Iraq. a Hand­ful of Dust will accom­pa­ny Campany’s exhi­bi­ti­on of the same name, cura­ted for Le Bal, Paris (16 Octo­ber 2015 — 17 Janu­a­ry 2016), with works by Man Ray, John Divo­la, Sophie Ris­tel­hu­e­ber, Mona Kuhn, Ger­hard Rich­ter, Xavier Ribas, Nick Wap­ling­ton, Jeff Wall and many others, along­side anony­mous press pho­tos, post­cards, maga­zi­ne spreads and movies.












21,4 cm x 14,9 cm



Artikelnummer: liawolf-9781910164389 Kategorien: , Schlüsselworte: , , ,

Zwischensumme:  198,90

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