A Cycling Lexicon

Bicycle headbadges from a bygone era

Carter, Phil/Conner, Jeff


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The head­badge has been affi­xed to finer bicy­cles for over a cen­tu­ry. Made of steel, brass, cop­per, alu­mi­num and sil­ver, and using ela­bo­ra­te tech­ni­ques such as die-pres­sing and acid etching, manu­fac­tu­rers trans­for­med the­se bad­ges into works of art.

The desi­gners of the­se minia­tu­re mar­vels have clear­ly been inspi­red by a ran­ge of ico­nic sources; heral­dic crests, proud lions, coi­led ser­pents, lea­ping stags and regal crowns are well repre­sen­ted. The bad­ges, selec­ted from the collec­tion of Ame­ri­can Jeff Con­ner, are given new life in this beau­ti­ful­ly desi­gned book by Phil Car­ter of Car­ter Wong design.

Natu­ral­ly, you’ll find brands such as Schwinn and Ral­eigh well repre­sen­ted, but also more obscu­re makers such as Riv­ton, Lapi­ze, Napo­le­on, Mirax, Lute­tia and Magneet abound, making this the ulti­ma­te cult collec­tion. Inclu­des a fore­word by (Sir) Paul Smith.

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