In Two-Dimen­sio­nal Man, Paul Sah­re shares deeply reve­aling sto­ries that ser­ve as the unli­kely inspi­ra­ti­on behind his extra­or­di­na­ry thir­ty-year design care­er. Sah­re explo­res his most­ly vain attempts to escape his “sub­ur­ban Addams Fami­ly” upbrin­ging and the death of his ele­phant-trai­ner bro­ther. He also wrest­les with the cos­mic impli­ca­ti­ons invol­ved in ope­ra­ting a scan­ner, exp­lains the disap­pearan­ce of ice machi­nes, ana­ly­zes a dis­astrous mee­ting with Stee­ly Dan, and laments the typos, sun­sets, and poor color choices that have shaped his work and point of view. Two-Dimen­sio­nal Man por­trays the designer’s life as one of con­stant ques­tio­ning, inven­ting, fai­ling, drea­ming, and ulti­mate­ly making.

Paul Sah­re ranks along­side modern-day design heroes Ste­fan Sag­meis­ter and David Car­son as one of the most influ­en­ti­al gra­phic desi­gners of his genera­ti­on. Two- Dimen­sio­nal Man is a fresh take on the tra­di­tio­nal design mono­graph: part memoir, part art book, part medi­ta­ti­on on creativity.

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