*** sold out / vergriffen

In a depar­tu­re from the realm of pure chro­ma­tic design, this sur­pri­sing new volu­me in Vic­tion­a­rys best­sel­ling Palet­te seri­es inves­ti­ga­tes the use of trans­pa­ren­cy in design. From crys­tal clear trans­lucen­cy through a full ran­ge of opa­que tre­at­ments, desi­gners use the latest in mate­ri­als and prin­ting tech­ni­ques to crea­te inte­rest and mystery.

From the whim­si­cal to the inge­nuous, the designs con­ce­al or reve­al, incor­po­ra­ting color, pat­tern and typo­gra­phy in this inter­play of lay­ers. Some are inter­ac­ti­ve, requi­ring the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of the con­su­mer or even light its­elf to pro­du­ce the desi­red effect. Other designs quiet­ly demons­tra­te their visu­al power, appe­aling to our inna­te sen­se of won­der. Inclu­des a diver­se assem­bla­ge of examp­les from the fiel­ds of archi­tec­tu­re, fashion, print, pro­duct, pack­a­ging design and more.

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