Ursu­la Schulz-Dornburg’s The Land in Bet­ween pres­ents the com­plex bond bet­ween land­s­cape and human civi­liz­a­ti­on, explo­ring the con­struc­tion of power though the built envi­ron­ment and its ine­vi­ta­ble imper­ma­nence. By loo­king back at are­as of past his­to­ri­cal or poli­ti­cal impor­t­ance her images high­light how con­flict, dest­ruc­tion, time and decay trans­forms the landscape.

Many of Schulz-Dornburg’s pro­jects deri­ve from a rela­tively con­fi­ned geo­gra­phic loca­ti­on, encom­pas­sing anci­ent civi­liz­a­ti­ons along­side are­as of modern stra­te­gic impor­t­ance. His­to­ri­cal­ly refer­red to as both a gate­way and a cross roads, or the ‘land in-bet­ween’, the area was often defi­ned not by its con­tent but by what lies on eit­her side, bet­ween Euro­pe and Asia, east and west, old and new. Over a thir­ty-year peri­od, Schulz-Dorn­burg tra­vel­led to this regi­on, visi­t­ing Arme­nia, Geor­gia, Iran, Iraq, Sau­di Ara­bia and Yemen. Docu­men­ting ruins of the now aban­do­ned Otto­man rail­way pro­ject in Sau­di Ara­bia, decaying Soviet era bus stops in Arme­nia, and tem­pora­ry mar­sh dwel­lings in Meso­po­ta­mia. Most recent­ly, in 2010, she tra­vel­led to Syria to pho­to­graph the anci­ent city of Pal­my­ra. Her images now form some of the last visu­al docu­men­ta­ti­on of the area pri­or to its recent destruction.

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