Hermann Czech — Essays on Architecture and City Planning
Gäste: Hermann Czech und Eve Blau
Herausgeberin und Übersetzerin: Elise Feiersinger
Samstag, 18 Mai 2019, 15:00 Uhr Lia Wolf Cabinett Sonnenfelsgasse 3/Erdgeschoss, 1010 Wien in Kooperation mit dem Verein zweitestiege
The first collection of Czech’s essays for an English-speaking audience
The Viennese architect Hermann Czech is one of the few in his field equally prolific in design and theory. Over the course of six decades he has developed a profound theoretical structure accompanying his widely acclaimed body of built work. This publication contains a cross section of his writing.
The author will be joined by Eve Blau, professor of the history of urban form at Harvard University and an internationally renowned scholar of Vienna’s social housing history, to discuss some of the ideas, ambiguities, and contradictions put forward in Czech’s texts – such as mannerism and participation, autonomy versus context, and understanding the city by way of regularity or by way of curiosities.
Hermann Czech — Essays on Architecture and City Planning
Gäste: Hermann Czech und Eve Blau
Herausgeberin und Übersetzerin: Elise Feiersinger
Samstag, 18 Mai 2019, 15:00 Uhr
Lia Wolf Cabinett Sonnenfelsgasse 3/Erdgeschoss, 1010 Wien
in Kooperation mit dem Verein zweitestiege
The first collection of Czech’s essays for an English-speaking audience
The Viennese architect Hermann Czech is one of the few in his field equally prolific in design and theory. Over the course of six decades he has developed a profound theoretical structure accompanying his widely acclaimed body of built work. This publication contains a cross section of his writing.
The author will be joined by Eve Blau, professor of the history of urban form at Harvard University and an internationally renowned scholar of Vienna’s social housing history, to discuss some of the ideas, ambiguities, and contradictions put forward in Czech’s texts – such as mannerism and participation, autonomy versus context, and understanding the city by way of regularity or by way of curiosities.
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